Deliberations & Speculations

Deliberations & Speculations

Coming Soon to Your Social Media Page: That Court Summons You’ve Been Dodging

By Byron McMasters | Recently, Texas became the first state in the nation to introduce legislation authorizing the notice of a lawsuit via a social media site. If passed, the proposed legislation would authorize a judge to permit a plaintiff to serve the defendant through social media if the defendant maintains a social media page, regularly accesses the account and “could reasonably be expected to receive actual notice if the electronic communication were sent to the defendant’s account.”

Coming Soon to Your Social Media Page: That Court Summons You’ve Been Dodging Read More »

What’s a Copyright Worth in Social Media?

By Tyler T. Ray | Have you noticed one of the following “shares” on social media: Instagram pictures on Twitter, Pinterest pins on Facebook, Twitter retweets on Tumblr? This is par-for-the course nowadays. But the sharing across different social media platforms is creating serious legal debate – and case law – in regard to rights and attribution of copyrights related to social media content.

What’s a Copyright Worth in Social Media? Read More »

NLRB Focuses on Non-Union Employers – Should You Revisit Your Social Media Policy?

By Tyler T. Ray | Companies have gone to great lengths over the past several years to update employment handbooks and include provisions covering social media. Recently, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has taken a strong interest in regulating social media activity which impacts both union and non-union workers alike, perhaps as a new way to maintain its presence in the workplace as labor union membership diminishes.

NLRB Focuses on Non-Union Employers – Should You Revisit Your Social Media Policy? Read More »

Thinking about an H-1B Visa for a prospective foreign employee? Now is the time!

By Roger W. Hood | An H-1B visa allows companies to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations, and the annual opening date to accept applications for H-1B visas is quickly approaching. On April 1st, the window will open and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) will accept non-immigrant H-1B visa applications for up to 65,000 slots for fiscal year 2014, which starts on October 1, 2013.

Thinking about an H-1B Visa for a prospective foreign employee? Now is the time! Read More »

Medical Marijuana – It’s Time to Light Up Your Workplace Drug Policy

By Roger W. Hood | Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut all enacted medical marijuana laws this past year, joining sixteen other states with similar legislation. Whether your company has no drug policy, a simple policy prohibiting the use of illegal drugs and alcohol, or a robust drug policy that meets federal guidelines under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, every company is affected by the new legislation.

Medical Marijuana – It’s Time to Light Up Your Workplace Drug Policy Read More »

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