A July 2021 Rhode Island Lawyers Weekly article entitled “Easement granted via deed’s reference to subdivision plan” by Barry Bridges outlined the dispute over a subdivision easement in West Warwick.

Duffy & Sweeney attorneys Joelle Rocha and Nicole Martucci successfully represented Read’s Landscape Construction in the Rhode Island Supreme Court matter which affirmed the earlier court decision that a “deed clearly depicted the lane as right of way and any alleged alteration was immaterial to the land interest conveyed.”

The case makes clear that purchasers of property are entitled to the right and benefits of access, or other particulars, as shown in their deed and in plans for their property, unless there are specific exemptions.
Check out the full article in Lawyers Weekly if you are a subscriber or sign up for a one-month trial.
To learn more, reach out to Joelle Rocha or Nicole Martucci. Or learn more about our Real Estate & Land Use practice here.