Our attorneys are frequent writers about issues at the intersection of business and technology, including intellectual property, employment and human resources, finance, and beyond. We offer advice and perspective about the legal ramifications of current pronouncements, proposed legislation and other legal trends. We invite you to share the resources here and contact our attorneys for your specific questions on these and other topics.
From securing equity capital to social media policies to copyrights and trademarks, our 2014 blog recap is here …
Selling Your Business? Does Net Working Capital Matter?
If you’re selling your business and it’s a decent size deal, a buyer usually requires you to leave a sufficient amount […]
Social Media Policies: The Hidden Dangers
As Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media websites and apps become more commonplace, many companies have developed […]
No Backsies? US Supreme Court to Review Trademark & Tacking
In trademark law, the most basic test of ownership is priority of use, and the trademark concept of “tacking” to determine […]
Cheers? Not So Fast When It Comes To Opening A Brewery
It seems like craft beer is everywhere. The number of operating breweries in the US in 2013 totaled 2,822, with 2,768 considered […]
Securing Equity Capital To Create A Business Enterprise
One of the most frequent conversations I have with clients attempting to start a new venture, development or project is “How do I […]
OSHA Expands Reporting & Exemptions in 2015
In a new rule published this month that will take effect on January 1, 2015, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) […]
Sorry, Unpopular Bosses: You Can’t Force Employees To Be Facebook “Friends”
Employers have an interest in investigating job applicants, and in many industries, criminal background checks and/or drugs tests are a common […]
Pay Day USA: Are You Unintentionally Violating FLSA?
In today’s fast-driven world where work time and personal time often blur into one, companies face a wealth of employment law […]
You Can’t Copyright That: Pharaoh Did It First
Copyright law protects “original works of authorship,” including pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works” which include two- and three-dimensional […]
From Sporting Events to Snuggies: The Importance of Updating Your Trademarks
Successful branding strategies rely on trademarks to protect a company’s product names and logos. But as a company expands its product lines, […]
Court Confirms RI Employers Must Pay Time-And-A-Half
… the RI Superior Court confirmed in its “Park Row” decision that, other than by specific exemption, RI employers must pay their employees […]